Acoustic/Sound Proofing Insulation

The use of acoustic insulation, also known as sound proofing insulation, has become standard practice in many industrial operations, particularly in the ship construction industry. Whether it is a commercial vessel built for passenger transport, or an industrial vessel engaged in offshore operations, sound proofing insulation is as vital as heat insulation to ensure the constant engine noise does not cause discomfort or harm to those on board.

Another similarity that sound proofing insulation shares with heat insulation is that it requires a multifaceted approach, which is once again particularly true for marine applications. Due to the engine noise being concentrated in the low- to mid-frequency region – commonly 125Hz to 2,000Hz, frequently reaching 110 dB(A) – it can cause resonant structural vibrations, requiring careful assessment when implementing insulation solutions. Due to such technical difficulties involved, it is recommended that any implementation or servicing of marine insulation, even if it is a simple replacement of insulation jacketing, be carried out by a highly experienced team of personnel.

With Foam Insitu, you can rest assured that you receive the level of expertise your marine insulation project requires. With over 20 years of experience in providing effective insulation solutions – from securing the right acoustic or cold/hot insulation materials to using the latest techniques for an efficient installation – we’re well-versed in navigating the challenging waters of marine insulation.

We strive to ensure that each project conforms to the highest standards of quality and safety, thereby markedly enhancing both working and living conditions onboard. Even the most exacting maritime and offshore scenarios find effective resolution through our bespoke solutions, whether they require sound proofing insulation, heat insulation, or a comprehensive solution that incorporates all these elements. Moreover, our expertise extends beyond mere insulation; for instance, we offer comprehensive hot insulation services coupled with personal protection jacketing solutions. 

Through this holistic approach, we ensure that you receive a one-stop service, as we can accurately identify your needs with a comprehensive assessment of your marine facility to tailor an effective solution that is also long-lasting. Trust the professionals – trust Foam Insitu.


Here is some example of our work.

Engine Room

Exhaust System


Ship Hulls

Passengers Decks​

Living Quarters

Pipes & Ducts​

Heavy Machinery​

Frequently Asked Questions

The best insulation for a particular case will depend on various factors such as the specific requirements of the space, budget constraints, and environmental considerations. Some commonly used insulation materials for soundproofing include mineral wool, fibreglass, cellulose, foam, and mass-loaded vinyl (MLV). Get in touch with our specialists and we can help determine the most suitable insulation material for your particular needs.

Jacketing is a protective covering used primarily for insulation systems and equipment in industrial and commercial applications. It provides thermal insulation, protection against physical damage, environmental factors, and wear and tear, enhances personnel safety by covering hot surfaces, contributes to aesthetics, and in some cases, also helps reduce noise emission from equipment.

The primary difference between jacketing and insulation lies in their functions and applications. Insulation refers to materials that are used to reduce heat transfer, maintain temperature levels, and improve energy efficiency by minimizing thermal conductivity. Jacketing, on the other hand, refers to a protective covering mainly used to encase insulation systems and equipment, providing protection against physical damage, environmental factors, and enhancing personnel safety. While insulation focuses on thermal properties, jacketing serves to safeguard and prolong the lifespan of insulation systems and equipment.

When it comes to the materials used, these two types of insulation have a lot in common, as they commonly rely on mineral wool and foam-based solutions. However, the manner in which these are deployed will depend on the type of insulation required. For instance, sound proofing insulation will primarily be used around machinery with moving parts, such as engines, to reduce the sonic vibrations generated. On the other hand, thermal insulation will be required for storage and transfer systems, such as piping or containment vessels, to reduce heat loss.

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